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In times of digital transformation is cold calling dead?

Many of us have heard that cold calling is a thing of the past. In a world of digital transformation and with so many communication channels to reach our prospects, why call?

When it comes to B2B business, nothing could be further from the truth! Here are 5 reasons why you should keep calling, or start doing so.

Faster learning

We know that speed is of the essence these days, and the easiest and quickest way to get valuable feedback from your prospects is to cold call. Because how long does it take to get a response if you call, email or prospect on LinkedIn?

Calling is definitely the quickest way to understand if the roles we are contacting are the right ones, if the companies are actually the ones we are interested in, if they really have the purchasing decision and have the available budget, what time of day is best to call and how they prefer to communicate.

They will also be able to give you feedback on the value proposition you are offering them, and they will give you. Interesting data about the competition. It is difficult to get someone to take. The time to write all this in an email, but they will tell you about it in a short call.

Nothing builds character more than having to sell something to someone who wasn’t expecting your call. Many will inevitably refuse to help you, and over time you’ll learn to be comfortable with rejection. This will build a resilient personality and teach you new skills that you can transfer to other aspects of your life.

Adjusting your Elevator Pitch

You need to capture your audience’s attention right away, given the cold nature of the call. That’s why your sales pitch needs to be well-prepared, fast, precise and captivating: What problem are you solving for your prospect? How will you make their life better? You have 30 seconds of their attention!

Sounds difficult, right? The good news is that the more calls you make, the more you can adjust your pitch until you find the best way to engage your target audience and get more meetings that lead to more sales.

Getting closer to “Yes”
No matter how good your product or sales skills are, there will always be many reasons why you get told “no”: lack of budget, they have other buy telemarketing data priorities in the area, now is not a good time, they do not have the authority to make this decision, the competition offers them a better price, etc.

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Creating closeness and trust

It is very difficult to build a voip solutions operating in area code close relationship with a B2B client only through emails or WhatsApp messages. In this type of business, establishing a close relationship is essential to achieve enough trust uae phone number that leads your prospects to become clients.

Because we all prefer to buy from someone close to us, don’t we? Because it gives us the peace of mind of knowing in advance that the goal will be to generate value for both parties. And this is very complicated – if not impossible – to achieve if you don’t engage in in-depth conversations. And it all starts with the first call!

These are some of the many reasons

Why we are convinced that cold calling is not dead and that it remains a valid and effective technique in B2B businesses. No matter how much technology and contact tools have advanced.

If you want to start implementing this digital transformation technique in your consultative sales processes, first review these tips:

Be agile and interesting enough to disarm the person who answers your call in the first moment.
Personalize and segment effectively: If you don’t solve a very specific need or pain point, they won’t pay attention to you.
Schedule a time in your day to go digital transformation through the list of all the calls you have pending. This tip will help you reduce the anxiety that this process can generate.
Talk about the prospect’s wants and needs.

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