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Are You Spreading Your Content?

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father with a keen interest in music and railroads.

Wrote 30 posts


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Getting the word out about the content you’ve created is just as important as the content itself – and even more so! Find out how to make your content easily found by your target audience.

Content, Is It Really King?

How many times have we heard or read that this is indeed the case? However, the importance of distributing the content we have worked so hard to generate is often not sufficiently emphasized .

The era in which companies sent monotonous, one-way messages to their audiences is long gone. Generating interesting messages and content so that our subscribers and customers choose and want to receive them is the premise that governs brands.

But when we do content marketing , we should not focus all our efforts only on production, but it is also important that we dedicate time and allocate resources to the dissemination of what is produced . What good is having made an excellent post if no one is there to see it?

Furthermore, if we make our content go viral, we will not only achieve greater brand awareness , but at the sam usa data  e time we will increase the chances of growing our subscriber list or gaining new customers.

Tips for Content Distribution
Know your audience
Where does your target audience look for information ? What sites do they visit? Find o kemerovo creates candles for cakes ut which platforms your target audience frequents regularly and manage strategic dissemination alliances with them. If your content is related to the field of marketing, some of the media with which you can make a dissemination agreement could be Puromarketing , Direct Marketing or Fan Marketing .

Lean on Social Media
Encourage your readers to share your content on their favorite social network . You’ll maximize their visibility and boost the generation of new leads and clients. For businesses and professionals, it’s always a good idea to share your content on LinkedIn , Twitter , and (depending on the industry) Facebook . Google+ will help you improve your SEO , and Pinterest will help you expand the reach of your visual content, such as images and infographics. Don’t forget to consider other niche social networks that could be relevant to your business.


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