Home » Detailed instructions on how to calculate and declare VAT

Detailed instructions on how to calculate and declare VAT

Determining the correct amount of value added tax (VAT) payable and declaring value added tax on time as prescribed by law is the responsibility of enterprises towards State management agencies when participating in the economy.Detailed instructions on how to calculate and declare VAT

In order to help businesses, accountants and tax service providers to have a more detailed understanding of how to calculate and declare value added tax, MISA meInvoice would like to summarize and present to readers all the things they need to know about tax declaration and value added tax calculation in the article below. Please read along.Table of Contents Hide

1. Principles of tax declaration and calculation of value added tax

1.1 General principles
1.2 Principles applicable to some specific cases
2. Value added tax declaration
2.1 VAT declaration documents for each specific case
2.2 Declaring VAT when taxpayers have many business activities
2.3. Cases where VAT declaration  germany telegram data is not required
2.4 Submitting additional VAT declaration
2.5 Cases of tax declaration and payment on behalf of others
2.6 Change of direct tax authority
3. VAT declaration period

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4. Deadline for submitting VAT declaration

Principle 1: Taxpayers are responsible for executive summary template operational Plan  accurately, honestly and fully declaring the contents of the tax declaration according to the prescribed form and submitting a complete set of tax declaration documents to the tax authority.
Principle 2: Taxpayers shall determine the amount of tax betting data  payable by themselves. Except in the following cases:
Tax authorities shall determine the amount of tax payable and in cases where tax authorities shall calculate and notify the amount of VAT payable by business households and individuals paying VAT under the lump-sum method based on the tax declaration of the taxpayer.
Principle 3: Place of tax declaration:
Case 1 : Taxpayers declare and calculate taxes at the competent local tax authority where their headquarters are located.

Case 2: In case the taxpayer has centralized

accounting at the head office and has dependent units in a province or city other than the head office, the taxpayer shall declare tax at the head office; at the same time, calculate tax and allocate tax liability to each locality that enjoys state budget revenue.

For details on tax liability allocation, please read the article Tax liability allocation.

Case 3 : For e-commerce business activities, digital platform-based business and other similar services performed by foreign suppliers without a permanent establishment in Vietnam, such suppliers are obliged to register for tax, declare tax and pay tax in Vietnam. Tax registration, declaration and payment can be performed directly by the supplier or through authorization.– An arm’s length transaction is a transaction entered into by unrelated parties, such as a transaction entered into by a willing buyer and a willing seller, each acting in their own self-interest.

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