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Do you know why?

According to this study, the main reason why users buy online is to “avoid queues, anticipate their purchases and access more competitive prices.”

So it is clear that even if the consumer does not make the purchase online, it is very likely that they will search for the product to give as a gift on the web and ultimately make their decision based on that information.

For many people, giving Christmas gifts is almost an obligation, so any proposal that simplifies the effort of finding the right gift at a fair price will be very well received.

Family, friends, partners, coworkers… the list of recipients is endless! That’s why y phone number library ou’ll be very well received if you reach out to your customers with offers, promotions and discounts.

Don’t you think that these are enough

phone number library

A reasons to start thinking about your Christmas Email Marketing Campaigns ? To make your decision easier and because we want your pieces to be a complete success, we give you the answers to 10 of the questions that you are surely asking yourself. Clear up all your doubts!

10 solutions for your Christmas campaigns
Christmas Email Marketing

The holidays are getting closer, so don’t waste any more time and start planning your shipments now! Here we answer all your questions.

1. It’s already December and I haven’t sent my Campaign yet. Am I still in time?
The aforementioned study indicates that gift buying activity begins to increase from November onwards , and it is precisely from the 25th of this month onwards that most sales occur.

But don’t worry. We have good news for you. You still have time to make your promotional mailings! Take advantage of these days before Christmas to get started.

We suggest you send a Campaign in early December offering a benefit that is attractive to your Subscribers. A very special discount on one of your products, a 2×1 offer or free downloadable material would be good ideas.

On a second occasion you can send a reminder like this:

Hi Laura, have you not taken advantage of this promotion yet?” “Hi Matías, there are only 3 days l database d eft to take advantage of this discount. Don’t miss it!”

A few days before Christmas Day, on the same day or the day after, yo for us, the line between biomedical u can send them an email to greet them and thank them for supporting your company throughout the year.

2. What type of Campaign is appropriate: greeting or promotion?
The choice of content always depends on the objectives set and the type of business you own . If your sector prevents you from sending promotions, we recommend choosing to design a Greeting or Thank You Campaign, or offering a gift or developing a special action, such as a raffle, contest or game.

This will be key to connecting with your Subscribers in a different way . Everyone wants to sell their products, but you must remember that they are people behind an email address and they expect a different type of contact from you.


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