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EMMS 2013: Last Stop, Argentina!

Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

Wrote 75 posts


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EMMS 2013 Argentina

Attention online marketing fans! A new edition of EMMS will be coming to Argentina at the end of November to close this cycle of conferences that, during 2013, has already been held in Ecuador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Spain with great success. Find out everything you need to know about this event.

During this meeting, the top international experts in Digital Marketing, Social Media and Email Marketing will give three in-person conferences, which can also be followed live via streaming , after which a space for debate, networking and collective learning will be generated that you cannot miss.

Do you want to know who these speakers are and what topics they will cover? Keep reading to find out. Register now , places are limited!

Designing Social Media Strategies

Social Media, Social Networks and Online Communities are some of the many words we come across when we talk about Online Marketing. Many of these networks or communities have become so massive that they have become attractive to usa data  many companies , to the point that they have begun to form part of them, interacting with their users.

At this point, it is worth asking: Are these companies really thinking ab respect the timing out a Social Media strategy ? Or have they simply created a profile without a specific objective or guideline? Jorge Ávila , Founder and General Manager of tresensocial , will tell you during this talk how the planning, execution and monitoring of the actions carried out by your company on Social Media should be.



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