Home » Google PageRank: What is it and what is it for?

Google PageRank: What is it and what is it for?

Javier Marcilla
Javier Marcilla
Editor of Ninja SEO blog. Interested in everything related to Web Positioning and Online Marketing.

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Do you know how PageRank works and what its importance is? Keep reading the post to find out these answers and what other metrics to use to evaluate your links and website.

Understanding what PageRank is used for will help you distinguish a good link from a bad one, adapt to new Google changes , and conduct a successful competitor analysis .

And if you know what it’s about, keep reading! You’ll learn why it’s no longer as reliable a metric as it once was and what tools you can use to complement it.

Public PageRank and Real PageRank

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The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of PageRank , public and real. In fact, whenever you talk about it you are referring to public , since it is the only one that you can discover through extensions for the most popular browsers or pages dedicated to this function.

The public PageRank , which is a simplification of the real one, works on a scale of 0  database d to 10, and is very obsolete after not being updated for almost a year. On the other hand, the real PageRank , the one that Google uses internally, is constantly updated and handles a much more complex and extensive scale of values.

If you use Chrome for browsing, I recommend the Open SEO Stat resist the urge to invite everyone s extension , it is the fastest way to check the public PageRank of any page. For other browsers there are other extensions that you can easily find.

However, if you prefer not to install any extension , you can use websites such as www.prchecker.info or checkpagerank.net, although this method will be more tedious.

PageRank is relative

PageRank is a system created by Google to determine the relative importance of a page compared to others . However, remember that on the Internet, all this data by itself means nothing . It only makes sense when used as a comparison .

For example, if I mention that a page has a PR of 4, what am I really telling you? Nothing. But if I give you the choice of publishing an article on a page with a PR of 1 or on one with a PR of 4, I will be providing you with comparative data so that you can make a decision . The higher the PR, the more relevant the website is.

What does PageRank measure?
Basically, PageRank measures the “authority” that a page has on various specific topics. The more authority it has, the more likely it is to appear at the top of the page for searches on that topic.



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