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How does SMS informing differ from advertising mailings?

In Russia, How does SMS informing advertising budgets are spent mainly on attracting new Clients, and often company managers do not take into account that the cost of a new Client is much more expensive for the company than repeate contact with an existing Client. In the West, the first sale to a Client is only the beginning of the relationship between the company and the Client.

Effective tools for re-contacting Clients are e-mail and SMS notification services.

SMS informing differs from sms promotional campaign advertising in that the mailing is carrie out to Clients who have use the company’s services at least once and have given their consent to mobile mailing.


Are your customers loyal to you?

Customer loyalty, just like company reputation management, is a relatively new concept for Russia (especially for the regions on the outskirts).

Customer loyalty is the most valuable asset a company has. It doesn’t matter whether you are a newbie in business or manage a medium-size company, the level of customer loyalty is exactly what needs to be monitore periodically. The main metrics for monitoring are: the number of checks per period, the average check size, the number of complaints about the company (receive through internal channels or poste on the Internet).

How to properly create your base of regular and loyal Clients? Discounts and bonuses are mainly use as the main incentive for maintaining loyalty to the company, but it should be remembere that this is not the only way. To retain regular Clients, it is enough to simply remind them of yourself periodically and it is advisable to do this at a time when your company can be useful to the Client. SMS notifications to a mobile phone are great for this.

sms promotional campaign

8 Bright Ideas for SMS Informing

What are the purposes of mental triggers in email marketing: a strategic guide informing? Of course, the main goal is to increase sales by increasing customer loyalty. The reasons are quite simple: The customer will definitely buy the goods and services of a company that will create convenient conditions for him, promise fast and real benefits, explain the principle of the discount system in an accessible way, give useful gifts, and show friendliness. In other words, if you can give the customer positive emotions, he will definitely come back to you.

All this can be done through SMS informing. So, what SMS can be sent to clients?

Congratulations on holidays and birthdays. A fairly common but effective option. In honor of a birthday, you can give a useful or cute gift and give a small discount. A humorous, kind text will definitely make the client smile. The congratulation text can be made formal, but you should avoid templates: they will not cause any emotional response.

Promotions, SMS coupons and discounts. Consumers react more actively to individual offers. If in SMS you draw the client’s attention to the fact that the promotion is held for everyone. In order, but only for him personally the conditions are most favorable, the probability of a positive response will increase by 2 times.

Notification of task completion

Relevant for companies providing services. Send the client an fans data that the project is ready and sent to his e-mail, the visa is approve, the cargo is delivere, the stage of work is complete. The client will be convince that you are reliable and punctual, and it is possible to do business with you.

Pleasant surprises. Free unexpecte gifts, invitations to celebrations in honor of the opening of a new salon, presentations with a buffet can motivate many clients to visit you again.

Notification of bonuses. If you allow customers to accumulate points on cards. You should regularly notify them about the status of the bonus account. At the same time, you nee to indicate what benefit the Customer will receive, for example. “Your account contains 150 points, which you can exchange for 1 mojito in our restaurant.”

Payment reminder


Very convenient for both Clients and companies intereste in receiving money in time to pay off loans/installments.

An unconventional approach. If you take the loyalty program seriously. Then you can use a creative approach for SMS: jokes, tests, invitations to participate in events and online discussions. Howover, stories with secrets of success, interesting news from the field in. which your company operates and which can captivate your customers. The main thing here is not to overdo it and accurately calculate what will be interesting to your customers or partners.

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