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In the multithreaded request

Response model, all clients send requests to the server, and the server processes each request and then sends back a response. This means that this model uses multiple threads to handle concurrent calls. These threads are defined in a thread pool, and each time a request comes in, a separate thread is assigned to handle that request. Node.js is different. Let’s see the step by step process of how it handles a request from the client side: – Node.

Js maintains a limited pool

of threads to serve requests. – Whenever there is a request, Node.js puts it in a queue. – Now, the core single-threaded component called “Event Loop” appears. This event loop waits for requests indefinitely. – When a request arrives, the loop selects the request from the queue and checks whether the request requires a blocking input/output (I/O) operation. If not, it processes the request and sends a response. – If the request has a blocking operation to perform, the event loop assigns a thread from the internal thread pool to handle the request.

There are limited internal threads available

This group of auxiliary threads is called the worker pool. – Once the blocking tasks are processed, the event loop places them in a queue. This is how NodeJS maintains its non-blocking nature. Since Node.js uses fewer threads, it uses fewer resources/memory, which helps in executing tasks faster, so this single-threaded architecture is equivalent to multi-threaded architecture. When one needs to handle data-intensive tasks.

But for real-time applications

Node.js is the better choice. 4. Is Node.js a programming language? The answer is “ NO ”. Node.js is not a programming language. Instead, it is a runtime band database environment used to run JavaScript outside of the browser. Node.js is also not a framework – a platform that supports the development of software applications. Node.js is built on top of a programming language, in this case JavaScript, and helps run the framework itself.

In short Node js is neither

special data

a programming language nor a framework; it’s just an environment. 5. What is Node.js used for? Node.js is used for a wide variety can be used to watch of applications. Let’s explore some common use cases where Node.js is a good choice: – Real-time chat : Due to its single-threaded asynchronous nature, Node.js is well suited for handling real-time communication. It can scale easily and is often used to build chatbots.

Node js also makes it easier to build

additional chat features like multi-person chat and push notifications. Internet of Things (IoT) : IoT applications often involve many sensors. As they often send betting data small chunks of data that can form a large number of requests.

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