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Neti, in the accounting company

Also, the head of the company’s operations department Andy Doyle wrote in his blog about the difficulties with coordinating costs at scale. Russian companies have also start to implement holacracy, but somewhat later. Currently, such management principles are us in the bank for entrepreneurs.

“Tochka” they even hold ucational events

Where they talk about the features of the system, in the IT company  “Knopka”. Partially, the principles of holacracy have been implement, for example, in the grocery chain “Vkusvill”. So, does holacracy really work? It’s hard to say. In part because we don’t have any full-flg scientific studies with a significant sample size that would talk about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the model.

The only study we could find is from 2022:

Its findings say that employees in “holacracy” companies receive fewer “illegitimate” tasks and are more satisfi with their work. Sounds good, but… This study was conduct on a sample of only 95 people, which does not allow us to extrapolate the 99 acres database results to all of holacracy.


99 acres database


At the same time

We have the experience of individual companies at our disposal but it also cannot be consider objective, because each of them implements holacracy in its own way. For example, the accounting services company “Knopka” admitt in its article receive ourfree weekly articles on Habr that if they had decid to first read the fundamental document regulating the implementation of the model the “Constitution of Holacracy” they most likely would not have implement anything.

Instead, they us practical cases of other companies

Which could also be present in the public domain, let’s say, not entirely honestly and who knows whether they read the “Constitution” before starting? From Minimalism to Fur Madness: How AR Architects Works in Kazan March 15, 2024 Kazan usa data architectural bureau AR Architects appear nine years ago.

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