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Sender Name in SMS Broadcasts: Make Your Messages Recognizable

The sender’s name in the sender Name in SMS is a must have in the process of interaction with the audience in any business area. This is an opportunity to effectively present your brand to the consumer, as well as establish productive communication with buyers without unnecessary risks.

To send SMS on behalf of your company, it is important to know the rules for registering it and working with service providers. We will tell you below how to make your mailing branded, safe and profitable!

Names of senders in the mailing list


In order to correctly use the sender’s name in sms services mailings , we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible options for its branding. There are two of them – communication through a common or individual company name.

Common Name
Common or substitute sender name is the one provided by the provider, i.e. us. It is used in cases where:
– service messages need to be sent*
– small customer base – up to 10 thousand people per operator
– non-permanent mailings

sms services

Individual name

If a company makes advertising telegram’s approach to data protection mailings and works with a large database, then it is necessary to register its own name through a provider, for example, the SIGMA messaging company. The registration process usually takes several days and includes three main steps:

1. The client sends our manager documents for the right to use the name: a trademark certificate, a domain name certificate, etc.
2. Sends the name for registration in the SIGMA messaging personal account .
3. Pays monthly for its use in the amount of 1-2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the telecom operator.

With a common name, everything is relatively simple and clear – the company receives it from us if its mailing falls under the requirements stated above. In all other cases, the brand registers an individual name, and this is possible in several ways.

Sender Name Registration Options

Registration of a name for mass SMS mailing is available in two main ways – hybrid and full. It is also possible to send SMS to clients by multi-signature – a simplified registration system that allows you to send mailings on your own behalf without a monthly subscription fee.

Full registration scheme
The full format involves paid registration of a name with all major market players. The “Big Four” operators today include MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2. To register a name, a company goes through the steps outlined above and, if the decision is positive, sends out mailings on its own behalf with a monthly subscription fee. This path requires significant time and financial costs, but it is justified, especially for those companies that have significant turnover and large traffic for each of the presented telecom operators.

Hybrid registration scheme
In the hybrid scheme, the company registers the name on a paid basis only with those operators where a monthly subscription fee is mandatory – MTS and Megafon. With other providers, the business works on a multi-signature basis, getting the opportunity to reduce costs, but still have a branded mailing. This registration scheme is most optimal for small businesses with a small client base. Especially if most of the company’s traffic is concentrated in MTS and Megafon.

Registration under the “multi-signature” scheme

The third option allows you to register your name using a simplified scheme, without paperwork, long waits and additional payments. At the same time, the company sends out mailings on its own behalf – another important plus. However, this option is available from those providers that do not have a monthly subscription fee. Also note that multi-signature is justified in cases where the purpose of the mailing is user authorization or fans data service messages, but not advertising!

Thus, each option for registering a name has its strengths and weaknesses, and each is possible under certain conditions. However, this process is necessary and important for most companies anyway, so follow our simple instructions and register the sender’s name in your SIGMA messaging account – it’s fast and convenient.

How to register a sender name on the SIGMA messaging website


Before you submit an individual sender name for registration, you need to create a personal account on the SIGMA messaging platform. Read how to do this in our VK group .

Next, go to your profile and follow these three steps:
1. Open the “Settings” item in the left menu.
2. Go to the “Sender Names” section.
3. Click the “Create” button in the upper right corner and fill in the fields.

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