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Solved With the Help of Semantic Layoutwhat

Solved with the help of semantic layoutwhat is semantic layoutwhat is semantic layoutsemantic layout is . An approach to page layout that focuses not on content but on the semantic purpose . Of each block as well as on the logical structure of the entire documentfor better . Understanding take a look at the two examples belowyour creative titlegreat textand some more great . Writing your creative headline great text and some more great writingthe thing is that both . Of these options can ultimately be designed absolutely identically and they will be displayed on .

The Page in Such a Way That

The page in such a way that the average user will not notice the slightest . Difference but from the point of view of semantics the first option is completely unsuitablewhy . Well tell you more about this laterwhy is website semantics importantlets continue looking at our . Examplethe tag stands for paragraph it is convenient for breaking up text with line breaks . However from the point of view of search algorithms it does not convey any special . Information you can wrap the heading with the tag and even highlight it never do .

This the User Will Understand That It

This the user will understand that it is a heading but for google algorithms it . Is still an ordinary block of text no more important than the following ones without . Semantic layout your page will be just a large text document for the search engine . Where it is impossible to highlight the main information and effectively use search algor chinese australia ithmsthe semantic . Structure of a website is important for two key reasons improving the position of a . Web resource in search resultsmarkup helps search engines better understand what exactly is on the .

special database

Page Where the Key Information is Located

Page where the key information is located and where it is not so important where . The navigation block is where the header is and wh instructions for declaring taxes for business households ere the footer is where the . Main article is and where the block is repeated on different pages for example the . Same navigation or contactswe can give a good example of the benefits of semantic layout . Enter the query train schedule kiev into google and one of the first results will . Be the following graphimproving the position of a web resource in search resultsusing the rules .

Of Semantic Layout the Developers Showed the

Of semantic layout the develo resource data pers showed the search engine what kind of block it was . And that it should be displayed in the search results for a relevant query if . The schedule had been enclosed in regular tags search bots simply would not have understood . That they were the ones answering the users question and that they should be shown . In the search results improving website accessibilityvisually impaired or blind people also use the internet . But not in the same way as you and me special programs have been created .

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