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Use of Personal Data Asking for Consent with GDPR

Below are definitions to clarify who prospects, customers and dormant customers are.

Prospect : is someone who has providd their contact information, but has not performe the action that makes them a customer. The contact information can bulk mail masters be an email or a phone number. While the action can be a purchase, a reservation, or any other action that then classifies them as a customer.

Customer : is one of your customers, who after providing their contact details, has also carrid out other actions to qualify as a real customer;

Dormant Customer : This is someone who was a customer, but is no longer a customer. An example would be that a customer becomes dormant if they have not made a purchase in more than 12 months.

GDPR How to ask for consent to use personal data

Considering that a company’s relationship with its customers is different from that with a prospect or a dormant customer, it is advisable to ask for consent to use personal data to communicate with the latter through the contact details they have providd.

If a particular process for requesting consent has been followe in the past, we recommend starting from the system followed previously. The most direct and easy way to request consent to use data is to add a box under the requested data . The customer will only have to check the box to confirm their consent.

If you have pre-populatd the checkbox or enterd the terms of consent within the contract itself, then we recommend that you update your system.

As mentiond above, you can simply add a checkbox when collecting data, so that customers express their consent to the use of their personal data. This box must be separate from the box for accepting the terms and conditions of use of your product. Most importantly, the box must not be pre-populated.

There are several strategies to contact your customer a website loads poorly for database to ask them to confirm their consent to the use of personal data. However, before contacting dormant prospects or customers, it is a good idea to verify that they have not unsubscribe from your lists. If they have, you will no longer be able to contact them.

Contacting Your Customers After GDPR: How to Ask for Consent

A direct and effective way to contact all your customers to ask for consent is to send an SMS . We recommend that you make yourself recognizable by adding a personalizd sender.  This way, customers will immediately know who is contacting them. In the text of the SMS, briefly explain the reason for the contact. At the end, add a link that directs to the page  where customers can express their preferences on how and when to be contacted.

For example, it is good to give customers the option to express a choice whether to be contactd via SMS or with a phone call. Also, let them indicate whether to be contactd only for information about your product, or also for promotions and offers.

Once the process is complete, you may notice a rduction in the number of contacts in your database. This is because not everyone has confirmd their willingness spam data to be contacte. This is not necessarily a negative consequence. In fact, all those who have confirmd their willingness to be contactd are actually an audience intereste in your company. This could lead to an increase in the engagement of your SMS campaigns and communication in general.

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