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What to write about on your blog when there are no

This is one of the main concerns of bloggers. What to write about and how to generate ideas for writing new articles? Especially considering that the rest of the blogosphere has already covered everything there is to talk about. Do you identify with this concern? This is probably your main problem. generate ideas articlesPhoto rights by Fotolia You start from the premise that there is nothing new in your niche and unconsciously, as a natural complex that most of us carry within us, we think that what exists cannot be improved. Serious mistake! Contents [ hide ] 1 Collect the best posts on a topic 2 Create a mega-post or pillar post 3 Publish different content not focused on text format Collect the best posts on a topic Summarize and add . One of the most basic, efficient techniques, but at the same time undervalued due to the supposed lack of originality. Before you nod your head in the affirmative, think about one thing, or rather, ask yourself this question. What is the most important thing (thinking long-term) when you publish content? Easy question, right? In case you don’t spontaneously come up with the answer, I’ll give you a clue: providing value to the reader . A post that aggregates the best content on a topic and at the same time summarizes the essence is incredibly useful because it saves the reader from having to do that work on their part. Create a mega-post or pillar post It used to be said that short posts were better than long ones, but today it seems that the opposite is true. Bloggers outdo each other to see who can come up with the longest. Quantity does not equal quantity, but that is the first impression. In general, a longer post deals with a topic in greater depth, touching on aspects that are not discussed as often. If everything has already been written about (we know it isn’t like that) you always have the possibility to touch on it in detail . There may be many contents that talk about how to take care of your garden but none of 10,000 words (or less, let’s say). These are the famous mega-entries (I once titled them “pillar posts”) that are increasingly better accepted by readers. They are worth the effort, especially in those niches with a lot of competition. Publish different content not focused on text format A post is a post. True. But that doesn’t mean that a post can’t be a video or a slideshow. The rules are set by the author of the blog because you can’t define something that doesn’t have any standards. You may have covered a large part of the topic spectrum in your niche, but it may not have been presented in all formats. Video , photos, or even live webinars are a very attractive way for the reader to consume content in a less demanding way than having to read a post from beginning to end. Keep one thing in mind. Everything is yet to be discovered and what already exists, however good it may be, can always be improved . If you don’t do it, someone else who is willing to invest whatever it takes to achieve it will do it. That’s for starters. B it) phrases, you now have a couple of concrete things you can do in the future. Or so I hope

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