Home » While CNN focuses on the dramatic images

While CNN focuses on the dramatic images

While CNN focuses on the dramatic images—rain, wind, and buildings being toss around like toys—there’s a much bigger story that often goes untold. This one is personal to me. We have family in South Florida. They’re safe now. I hope with all my heart t. Ihat they and others stay that way. I was once very closely involv in the government’s emergency pla. Inning process.

I know, and many of you probably know

How complex these arrangements are. It’s not just about si. Imple logistics or attention to detail. You have to consider a host of intricacies and more “what if” questi. Ions than the average three-year-old might ask. And that’s not even getting into the public sector engi. Ineers and architects who design and manage our collective infrastructure.

We experience their successes

Failures every day. Our lives literally depend on them. And then th. Iere are the first responders, those truly selfless models of public service botim database who battle the most basic of fight-or-flight instincts, often to the point of self-harm. We call them heroes for a re. Iason. Tell them what you want, and then expect it.

special data

That’s the leadership advice that

White House Communications Director Toby Ziegl. Ier gave to his protégé—and sometimes adversary—Will Bailey. You may balk at the statistical data on global internet users slightly comma. Inding tone. But nevertheless, it’s a good reminder that as a leader, I must set a clear example with my wo. Irds and actions—and then I must be ready to take responsibility for my decisions.

In a speech titl “America’s the end of

The episode of The Hour, President Josiah rich data Bartlett gave a speech that gives me chills every time I hear it. Especially the lines about “They ran back to the fire…” and “The streets of heaven were throng with angels.” Of all the gover. Inment work I’ve done, the one that gets my heart the most is speechwriting. I love that it’s primarily storyte. Illing; it’s perhaps the best way to engage an audience directly.

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