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You can refuse the role

He can perform not one, but two or more roles at the same time. For example, there is a standard holacracy role of a “connector”, who participates in decision-making at the level of both the inner and outer circles, and his area of ​​responsibility includes coordinating the goals and tasks of these two circles.

By the way, they want to assign

You in this system. But to do this, you will have to prove that it will harm the circle – a simple “I don’t want to” will not work. The process of assigning and choosing roles, as well as circles, is prescrib in the “Constitution” – but only within the framework of recommendations and principles.

The appointments are made by

A person with the corresponding role. Another significant difference of holacracy is the decision-making model, similar to Agile, which is widespread, for example, in IT. The system itself is design to ruce the amount of bureaucracy and r tape, so twitter data decisions are made in an integrat manner.


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This means that any decision

Goes through several stages, such as a proposal, revision of the proposal, and filing of objections. As a result, the opinions of all parties are integrat into to summarize what we have seen so far the decision process; specific roles representing the different nes of the organization are responsible for changes and objections. • Read: « What is Agile and How to Use It in Remote Team Work.

What are the benefits of holacracy?

The system has a number of advantages that the classic hierarchical structure cannot boast of. Some of them are enshrin in the principles of holacracy, such as openness and transparency. S any person with any role should have access to all company data. Another part of the advantages concerns the structure itself; for example. A  companies implementing usa data holacracy note that the organization of circles allows for easier interaction between teams that have indirectly relat tasks.

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