For them screen readers which read the text from the page in order for the . Screen reader to work correctly identify and indicate headings main text navigation elements etc they . Must be framed with appropriate tagsimproving website accessibilityotherwise the program simply monotonously reads all the . Information from the page starting with the site name and ending with the contact list . People with disabilities simply wont be able to fully use a web resource without semantic . Layoutsemantic tags in htmlweve sorted out the theory a bit now lets move on to .
More Practical Things Lets Look at the
More practical things lets look at the main semantic html tags and get acquainted with . The ways of using them in modern layoutthis tag usually denotes the introductory part of . A sectionpage in simpler terms is the header of the site which is often the . Same on all pages here links to the main sections of the site contacts feedback . Buttons language selection etc are usually placedsemantic tags in htmlthis is a tag for a . Navigation block on a website it can be nested in a header or remain a .
Separate Block Sometimes There Are Several Navigation
Separate block sometimes there are several navigation blocks on one page this is normalthis tag . Contains the main content of the page which is not repeated on others in addition . This tag is allowed to be used only once on it it is not chinese uk allowed . To place two blocks and others can be inside the tag denotes a large selfcontained . And complete unit on a page the most common example is a blog post but . Can also wrap a small widget or a tweet embedded in the pagea tag that .
Contains Separate Semantic Blocks That Are Part
Contains separate semantic blocks that are part of a single logical area these can be . For example links to products a list of services or simply independent text modulesthe tag . Is often used to denote an area with additional infor instructions on how to create a construction invoice? mation that is not always related . To the current page when you see any sidebar on a website it is most . Likely for example a navigation block banners advertising etcthe final part of a page or . A separate semantic section there may be several footers on one page but usually there .
Is Only One Various Additional Information and
Is only one various additional inf resource data ormation and links are often placed here contacts links to . Other pages logos and the like is also commonly called the basement of a sitehow . To mark up website pages from a semantic point of viewsemantic layout of a website . Is actually not a particularly complicated process the main thing is to follow logic and . Elementary markup rulestagapplication large semantic blocks on the page separate sections within blocks headings from . Level one to level six and otherssmall blocks and elements within semantic sections and otherspictures .